Friday, October 7, 2016

Fishing Cat Friday!

Phil (the Fishing Cat) is searching for a new home, if you recall.  Last week, he wondered if he shouldn't put in a call to the Purry Cute Cats for assistance.  Meee-ow you know who I mean (Casey, Barney, Baby, the whole crew) but Phil realized, as of right now, that wasn't going to work.


Well, if you check out you can see they're off trying to save the gorillas.  But I digress or if you want to get technical meow-gress..

Let's get down to it- what's Phil's problem?  Well, he and other Fishing Cats, keep loosing their homes to really greedy humans.  It seemed like they took some kind of special pleasure in making a factory there or ruining their water.  It was really sad...

And Phil was getting really desperate...

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