Tuesday, April 17, 2018

'Tiger' Tuesday

     Welcome to ‘Tiger’ Tuesday.  This is the place where, again, we have tigers enjoying their own day whether it be in fancy images, news clips, videos, etc.  Tigers rock and this is the place for them.  One excellent thing that is meowed her is commentary and meee-ow this must be the dumbest theory EVER on why animals are going to extinct.  So, it’s up to me, a cat, to meow out commentary on why this article is a joke.

          By the way, I’m Casey B. Cat.  That’s me below!

          Pawing right along…

          Now- I want you all to read this article:

          Done?  Good.  Now, I’m going to meow to you why this must be one of the dumbest things on record.  Humor me here everybody, I’m just a cat.  Look at the following photos below:

          What we above are the Somali Wild Ass, Bactrian Camel and Saiga Antelope.  Now, being a cat, I’m going with my mom’s experience. Mom never knew a Somali Wild Ass existed until she went to the St. Louis Zoo. Bactrian Camels were always shrugged off and don’t lie humans, a lot of you shrug them off.  As for Saiga Antelope, unless you’re a heavy reader, there is no meowing way that you’d know that this antelope has been around since caveman days.  What do these three have in common? Well, like the tiger below….

They’re all classified by the IUCN Red List as ‘Critically Endangered.’ And, I’m almost sure that many, many people don’t even realize that there are different kinds of tigers, let alone knowing about the Somali Wild Ass, Bactrian Camel and Saiga Antelope.
          The overall idea that overexposure of animals is causing extinction must be one of the dumbest theories out there.  I thought that the ‘hunting improves conservation’ was but this is close.  A theory that exposing animals to people is a bad idea is not only dumb, it’s dangerous and it’s lazy.  There’s a big world out there and you humans need to get it through your heads that there are a lot of living parts that make it work.  Newsweek’s article is not only irresponsible- it shows a laziness.  The author is just guess here and not even using brain power.  The status of the Somali Wild Ass, Bactrian Camel and Saiga Antelope prove my point.  It’s to bad they weren’t talked about more.  Maybe their status wouldn’t be so perilous.  Wake-up humans- get off Twitter and research.  Use your brains and stop reaching for cheap excuses that make no sense.

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