Thursday, June 18, 2015


Today we 'paws' for a moment for obvious reasons.  It doesn't feel right for a funny rhyme or photo tonight.  There are A LOT of people in Charleston, SC hurting right now due to the fact a disgusting, sick, evil PUNK killed 9 truly good people.  The people that this rotten bastard killed seemed like they were people I would've loved to have met.  When a person talks about someone who is truly good- it seems like the 9 victims of the Charleston shooting would've been great examples of it.  America's heart is broken right now for the loss of some really good people and tonight we do pause with our thoughts and prayers for the people in Charleston.

1 comment:

  1. Purrfectly stated and we share in the mourning and pain of the rest of America. It is simply unacceptable.
